GreenShield Offsets (GSO) is an asset/portfolio manager for environmental assets, most prominently carbon credits and related financial instruments. GSO aims to enhance liquidity, integrity, and efficiency in the environmental assets market through active asset management.
GSO's mission is to transform the environmental assets and carbon credit market by providing innovative, reliable, and efficient carbon credit management solutions, enabling businesses to achieve their environmental goals or obligations while minimizing cost and headcount.
GSO provides services including:
- Aggregation and pooling of carbon credits.
- Customization of carbon credit pools to meet specific buyer needs.
- Market access for buying and selling pooled credits.
- Due diligence and quality assurance for carbon credits.
- Portfolio management and active asset management of carbon credits.
- Risk management and continuous monitoring of carbon credit pools.
GSO's key value propositions include robust risk management, reduced expenses and headcount, greater options and pricing, enhanced public relations and marketing, professional guidance, regulatory compliance, long-term sustainability, and customizable solutions.
GSO evaluates the client’s carbon offsetting needs, ensures diversification of nature-based and engineered solutions, actively manages the portfolio, continuously monitors performance, and provides detailed reports on portfolio performance.
GSO caters to all client needs. In our experience, we have found there are three main types of buyers and associated portfolios:
· Long Portfolio: For companies seeking to optimize their carbon credit holdings with stable, long-term projects.
· Short Portfolio: For companies needing immediate access to carbon credits.
· Exposed Portfolio: For companies with unfulfilled commitments or gaps in their carbon management strategies.
GSO offers a diverse inventory of carbon credits, including:
· Nature-Based Credits: Reforestation, afforestation, agriculture, wetland restoration, and others.
· Engineered Solutions: Direct Air Capture (DAC), Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS), Sequestration-in-Place (SIP), and others.
The Entrustment Agreement is a contract between project developers and GSO, allowing GSO to manage and market the developers' carbon credits. It includes authorization and management, custodial intermediation, verification and authentication by the custodian, and regular reporting to project developers.
GSO manages client engagement through lead generation, onboarding new clients, conducting due diligence, and maintaining transparent and supportive relationships with clients.
GSO utilizes an internal carbon credit pricing model that considers base price determination, enhancement factors, discount factors, and adjusted price calculation. The model incorporates various factors to provide a comprehensive evaluation of each project.
Project developers are charged an onboarding fee ($5000 downpayment or $1 per credit), a project developer agreement fee (agreed price per credit), and a custodial fee ($10000). Buyers are charged a management fee of 2.5% of assets under management (AUM).
GSO conducts comprehensive risk assessments, employs diversification strategies, continuously monitors and adjusts portfolios, and utilizes advanced risk mitigation techniques such as hedging strategies, insurance solutions, and buffer pools.
GSO ensures compliance with global, national, and industry-specific regulations. We conduct initial compliance assessments, continuous monitoring, regular audits, risk management, and continuous improvement to maintain high standards.
GSO plans to enhance technological capabilities with advanced analytics, AI, blockchain technology, IoT, and remote sensing. We aim to expand geographically and sectorally, form strategic partnerships, launch new initiatives like the Carbon Credit Innovation Lab, and enhance client services.
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